cafe mercado brazil

28% of world coffee is produced in Brazil

According to Executive Coffee Summary - October 2019, from the Agricultural Policy department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Vietnam, the second largest producer in the world, produced 29 million 60 kg bags of the robusta species only in coffee year 2018/2019, a volume equivalent to 16.6% of the total world production. The production of the variety for the year 2019/2020 was estimated at 70.5 million bags, with Vietnamese being able to correspond to 41% of this volume.

Brazil's total harvest was estimated at 49 million bags, a number that represents 28% of world production, including Arabica and Robusta species. Such production includes 34.5 million bags of Arabica coffee, equivalent to 33% of world production, and 14.5 million bags of Robusta, which correspond to 21% of the physical volume produced of this species in the world. This performance places Brazil in first place in the production of Arabica coffee and in second place in the production of robusta coffee.

In relation to Colombia, which is the third largest coffee producing country in the world, whose harvest is exclusively of the Arabica species, it will harvest, in this coffee year, 14.3 million bags, which correspond to 14% of the world production of the variety and 8.2% of the total coffee production on the planet (Arabica + Robusta).

The world coffee crop for coffee year 2018/2019 was estimated at 174.5 million bags, of which 104 million bags of Arabica (60%) and 70.5 million bags of 60kg of robust coffee (40%) .

The full report is available at Embrapa page.


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